The past few days he had been visiting the chaiwala without a rupee in his pocket. The first time, he got the chai with an excuse of having forgotten the purse. The 2nd day that he went, he emptied all that was in his purse and looked lamely at the chaiwala hinting that he was broke. The 3rd day that he went there, he got out when the chaiwala was looking the other side.
As Shanmugam looked at the shop from a distance on the 4th day, he was wondering what he can do this time. If he could manage this one last time, he will be fine, since he was going out of town for good the next day. He also didn't carry any purse this time.
As he sat there, the chaiwala asked him, "Hey. . .did you atleast get the money for today?"
Shanmugam looked at him and nodded. As he sipped the Assam tea, he looked at the chaiwala on the way to get out of the predicament. But he
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